Friday, January 29, 2010

Energy Medicine for Women

“Energy Medicine for Women”

Since the last post, I found some really helpful videos on "You Tube" by author Donna Eden. Last year, one of my best friends, Lisa, had turned me onto a beautiful book, called "Energy Medicine for Women". She loaned it to me, and ashamedly, I kept it for a month before returning it to her. After giving it back to her, I felt insecure and a little panicky. It was as if I had to give back an undiscovered part of myself that I really liked!

Three days later (thanks to the efficiency of, I had bolstered my library of self help books to include Donna Eden's title and have enjoyed it so much that I tote it around with me all the time. Before I go to work, I pack my lunch, vitamins, make up and my "Energy Medicine for Women" book as a resource for times when I am feeling anxious and out of balance.

This book is chalked full of exercises that will help you adjust your body's energy patterns regarding female issues: hormonal balance for PMS, peri and full fledged menopausal women, pregnant and even women who have osteoporosis. There are also exercise remedies for stress, anxiety and overeating.

The forward was written by Christine Northrup (an excellent advocate and PhD for women's issues) who touts the praises of Eden's practices and hands on work in the field of energy medicine.

Do yourself a favor, and buy it. Practice it every day. As with most things, the more you give time to balance your energies, the better you will feel.

I have one warning: the exercises are unlike Western medicine. The adjustments you feel from Eden's book are subtle and will not mask your pain like a pill's capability. You will still be conscious of your problems, in fact, while doing some exercises, Eden wants you to think about your problem while holding a position! When your body wants to go into fight, or flight mode, holding a specific position will actually contradict the message and condition the body's responses to deal with stress hormones.

The daily exercise modules only take 5-10 minutes once you learn how to apply them, which makes committing to them simple (notice, I said the word "commit"). (copy & past on browser)

I recommend watching the "You Tube" video after you've read the book. The book is not only crammed pack with practical knowledge, but you get to learn about her natural abilities and experiences using them. The video refines and pinpoints the spots you are supposed to be tapping that you can’t really see that well in the book. Plus, it’s just fun seeing Eden demonstrate on a class full of willing students.

Speaking of classes, I had a gut feeling a couple days ago to check on Donna Eden's website ( to inquire about any local workshops, since she resides in Oregon. As it happens, she will be appearing in Seattle on February 13th at an all day, hands on workshop! With the help of a darling young woman, Karla ( an employee of, I purchased two tickets and will be attending that very class! I get excited every time I think of it!

Donna Eden is also an energy seer. My high hopes are that she will pick me out from the crowd to heal my drooping energy imbalances! The last intuitive I visited ( whom I'd never met before) would be happy for me, since she told me that my energy is so heavy right now, that she looked at me as I got out of my car, and just sighed, "Ugh! What are you doing? You need rest!"

No... class will not take place in a tent. No, she won't be selling the next miracle elixir yelling at the top of her lungs atop a podium. She will simply be using her gift of seeing people's auras and helping each individual balance herself by using proven methods. This class isn't open to men, and I think I know why. Women, like myself who have had c-sections and hysterectomies are in need of unclogging the scar's blocked energies. I don't think it will be like show and tell, but men simply don't have the same incisions and chemical makeup. I have no doubt that she may even get asked about healing episiotomy scars, too (I leaked out my question, already!)!

Anyway, I am grateful to attend.

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