Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Missing Link

Is anyone curious about my Donna Eden class that I went to last Friday? It was worth every penny. I took this class to learn how to teach my body to feel better through tough times. When I stress, my neck hurts, my heart flutters and my joints ache. Energy doesn't move as it should because I hold blame instead of letting it go. Note to self: therapy Thursday.

The class quickly started with Donna's daughter, Titanya, dancing on stage in circle "8" patterns with her feet, hips, hands and fingers. She is the epitome of a sensual woman: broad curvy hips, large breasts, Goldilocken hair and posture that we all admired. She owned the movements.

Donna Eden was introduced as a guru of energy medicine. The hundred-plus women in the audience were excited and relieved when the introduction quickly ended so that we could get right to work on our imbalanced bodies.

Notes were taken as she immediately put her book into practice by describing a symptom and having a woman come up on stage to stretch, tap, or hold a position. I have virtually memorized the damn thing over this last year of need, trying to apply the exercises when I was symptomatic. But something was missing. That something was on a handout called the meridian wheel chart.

The meridian wheel is laid out like a color wheel: colors opposite each other are complimentary and are in direct contrast to each other. There is a certain time of the day and night where each meridian (a flow of energy that connects these hot spots in our bodies) is naturally juiced. If all is well in your life, the opposite meridian is strong and naturally supports the one getting energy. However, if you are like me, 43, and are going through a stressful period of time, the opposite meridian is weak and it draws from the other getting charged. Then it becomes a game of knowing which meridian needs strengthening and when.

At break time, Donna was signing books. Having brought mine, I got in line for her autograph. While waiting, I noticed a woman sitting on the end of a row with her head down. She was in direct contrast to the rest of us: quiet, holding her focus down toward the floor with hunched-over shoulders. Equally, the necklace she wore stood out as being dated. It was a chunky hand carved wooden necklace, the type we all wore in the 80's that sported African animals on it.

Upon returning to my seat, my friend asked me if I read what Donna wrote in my book. I had forgotten to look, and was pleasantly pleased when I read, "Dear Stephanie, You have a beautiful blue and light pink body color. Your a healer-Love, Donna Eden." In the world of auras, body colors depict how you are gifted. Blue represents humanity, sensitivity and diplomacy. Magenta (light pink) represents intuition. I have always loved people and felt great compassion for their trials and triumphs, so her comment made perfect sense.

The next segment will prove to be the best for all of you non-believers.

Once class began, a lady fainted who was sitting toward the back of the room. Her neighbor stood up and shouted, "Someone call 911!". Eden stayed at bay until she could "see" what was happening. She can see body colors around people that protect them. She can also see if energy leaks out, or is imbalanced. I wondered why she didn't jump in and use her skills to help. I was quick to judge. Right after this thought lept from my lips into the ears of my friend, Eden was on the floor beside her. Medics arrived and took her vitals. We broke for lunch.

Once class began again, it was announced by Donna that the woman who had fainted was staying for the remainder of the class. We cheered! It was a wondrously loving feeling that washed over me when that happened. Eden explained that although she was here, she wasn't grounded. The immense energy in the room had knocked her over, just like an unrooted tree. Several of Eden's assistants stayed with the woman for the rest of the course while we persevered.

By the end of class, I felt no pain. I was giddy, excited and felt like my old self again. This was no parlor trick. It was a class chock-full of support, information and love within our yang energy.

By the way
, the woman who fainted ended up being the one wearing the African necklace!

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